November 24, 2009

The corporate model has poisened the free market

11/03'09 Kevin Abrams on The Investigative Journal with Greg Szymanski

@30min, Kevin) What we are dealing with is an emergent global corporate collective. It's not socialism per se, but it's all being done on the corporate level. And so, you know, we have legal fiction: everything is being commodified, monetized, corporatized. And as I mentioned last time, no employee, a person that works for a corporation, doesn't own his labor. All corporations consider labor to be a liability and a cost of doing business. And they sit around discussing wage costs on Monday mornings. So even though labor produces wealth, it produces its own capital and has a prior and superior claim upon the fruits of its labor, labor is construed through the alchemy or the corporate interface as being a liability or a cost of doing business and that is transmuted into profit of the other end for the owners of the corporation. That corporate model has poisened the free market. Corporatism destroys capitalism. Capitalism is a free market wherein men have a claim, a prior and superior claim, they have an ownership to their labor which is the most personal form of private property. And this is one of the things that the early colonists were laying claim to, is the right to Life, Liberty and Property. That was the original motto. Not The Pursuit of Happiness. Because without your ownership of your labor there is no guarantee of happiness.
So basically, you're looking at the corporate model. The corporate model reduces human beings into legal fictions, items of inventory in the corporate warehouse. And that's what corporations do: they are continuously trying to decrease wage costs, decrease labor costs, to mechanize. Like, for instance when, they introduced the tobacco harvester in the Southern States, in Kentucky, in Tennessee, they put out almost a half a million workers out of work because they used to hand-pick tobacco before. So when you mechanize and when you introduce technology, you make human beings redundant and you continuously exclude human beings from the economy. So that's the way that the technocracy, the corporate collectivists design increasingly. They are looking at human beings as being redundant and not needed for corporate interests, so that they move more towards technology. So you end up with terms like "useless eaters" and all the way of which a corporation would deal with inventory in the warehouse – that's the way they would deal with a human being, who would they consider to be an employee and a liability.

So, in the free market labor is not a liability, it's an asset. But in the corporate collective labor is always considered as a liability and they always act as if they're doing you a favor by giving you a job. And that's where you end up in economic servitude, is this inversion between wages and labor, where labor ceases to have a prior and superior claim on the fruits of its labor, on the fruits of its productive and creative endevour, and labor becomes a claim on the capital of another. And basically, because labor creates his own wealth. It's not a claim upon the principal capital or wealth of another, it has its own right: Labor owns its own wages. Wages are not a claim upon the wealth of the corporation, but corporations do that.
And so you enter into a situation of economic servitude when you're working for a corporation that uses your wage and your labor as not only a cost of doing business, but as a liability. And that is the corporate model, that is the Roman model. And you get into areas like legal fiction where language becomes important, and that's actually the message of Babylon. Not so much the Tower of Babel when everybody began to speak in different languages, but that people spoke the same language but they didn't understand the meaning of the words that the other person was using to trying communicate. That they were using the same words but they had different meanings, and that's what happens in legal fictions: What does a person mean? What does an individual mean? And so forth. What is income? What is profit? How do you define all those terms and when you are trying to disentangle your relationship with corporate fiction, you have to understand their terms. Because they define certain words to take advantage of them, to define the relationship that they have with human beings or with other entities. And you know that as a student of law that legal terms are very important to the way in which contracts are written.

Greg) You know, Kevin, that's a good point and I like to move forward to Alfred Kinsey, because we don't have much time left and I think, it's a really important topic. Judith Reisman's book it's quite revealing regarding what Kinsey did to this population with the help of the Rockefeller family and the powers that be. Please explain that to us because many of us remember Alfred Kinsey to a recent movie that was just out. So they did a Hollywood production of his life with, I think, Liam Neeson as the actor that portrayed him. Tell us the real story behind Kinsey!
Kevin) Well, Kinsey was a zoologist and he studied gall wasps and, basically, he was an insect scientist. And what he did was, that he extrapolated from his research into insects an attempt to define what human sexuality should be. And what he ended up doing was turning America into the zoo that he had in mind. I mean, he was an insect man! A zoologist. So now he has a human zoo and he basically turned the founding sexual ethos of Western civilization on its head. But Judith Reisman documents how the Rockefeller faction, the Rockefeller Foundation, actually funded Kinsey's research because they liked his numbers.
And I identify Kinsey as "the Balaam" ("Have I now any power at all to say any thing?"). This is a figure in biblical history: Balaam was called upon by the King of Midian, Balak, to curse the Jewish people. And the way that he did it was, that he caused the Israelites to fall in terms of sexuality, to be seduced by the Midianites, more by women, then when it comes to market place and then into acts of idolatry. So sexual corruption and idolatry go hand in hand. And that's basically the connection: If you can corrupt a people sexually, you can destroy their vision as a people, their higher vision, their capacity for abstract thought and objective choices in decision making. So that's what Kinsey was used for.

He was The Black Prophet of America. He was Balak's Balaam, he was Rockefeller's Balaam, he was Rockefeller's black prophet, he was Rockefeller's sexual occultist. And he was the person that opened up the vortex of spiritual energy that descended upon the American people in a way that would destruct more than any standing army could have possibly have achieved. So that's why we call him, well, I refer to him as "The Black Prophet of America", because he was more destructive than any other one single individual in what he did, what he devised. He engineered a scientific pretext based on a falsification of research, a misrepresentation of his research on a corrupt foundation of human sexuality where he defined young babies as sexual pervert, where he said that ten percent of the American population were homosexual, which is been disproven many times. So that the sexual component was a very important part of the social engineering of America. And Rockefeller used that science as a way of getting the bar association, the American legal institut, referred to the new science rather than measuring new laws as in terms of the American penal code and so forth. And Judith Reisman discusses this in her book Crimes and Consequences. The Red Queen and the Grand Scheme. And basically use that, so that court decisions became based on rather than the American Constitution, Common Law and so forth, they defer to Kinsey's science which said that we had to move ahead. And this is where this whole idea of a Living Constitution came from, is somehow we had to move ahead with the time. That we had to adopt the Greek subjective theory, which said that truth was by convention and personal taste and one's flow of perceiving. And that who was to debate, who was to judge, who was to decide, whether one person's truth – I mean, and truth was depicted as your favorite favor of icecream – was any worse or better than the next person's version of truth. So what basically happened was, the Greek subjective theory overturned the objective injunctions and principles of ethical monotheism through the vehicle of science. And that's what Rockefeller saw in Kinsey's research and that's the way that it way utilized. That's what makes it so important, that's why Kinsey was so important and why he was so significant and had such a great impact on the course of American history.

Greg) And what do you think their endgame was? To basically destroy the family unit?
Kevin) Well, absolutely. I mean, the family is the most independent level of government. If you have fully functioning family, you don't need government. Because the families themselves will discipline the children, will rear the children in a dignified and honest way. I mean, the obligation of the parents is to teach their children. And what does that mean? That means to fill a sense of honest weights and measures in your children, so they can make an honest living for themselves and their families. And to fill in them a moral and healthy sexual constitution, so that they can govern themselves in a responsible and dignified fashion sexually. And with those two pillars you can live a life as a dignified human being. And the obligation of the parents is to guard the dignity of their children, thus is that the obligation of the child to guard the dignity of his parents, to honor the parents [...] When you destroy the family, you give more power to the state, because you destroy this small unit of government which is the most basic level of government in human society: the family. And the family has a schematic to it. And the schematic for the family is annunciated and detailed in the Torah, in the first five books of Moses, it's not giving over in the New Testament [...] That's the schematic of the family: the principle of marriage is the complementary union of husband and wife and the consecration of human sexuality for the rearing of the family. This is a principle. It's not a subjective theory, it's not a relativistic type of idea where your taste ... you like chocolate and I like vanilla and we can have any kind of family or situation that we want. It's a principle. [...] There are schematics. [...] We have this objective measurement [...] Basically, when you corrupt human sexuality, you destroy the family and you build the state: you give more power to the state. The state increasingly regulates human affairs and you end up with the direction that we are going. [...]

@46min, Kevin) God created Israel. Israel means to struggle with God. Israel is God's witness. [...] that's basically why the corporate fiction would be at odds with the Jewish mission [...] laying the foundation for the family, laying the foundation for a human society, for a compassionate society, for a just society and so forth. For honest weights and measures, not a corruption of weights and measures. For sexual morality and human dignity. And if you teach your children honest weights and measures, moral and healthy sexual constituion, you can lead a life as a dignified human being, and that's the basic obligation of a parent, again. Corporations couldn't care less! The corporate fiction is only interested in profit and it looks at human beings as resources, as items in a corporate warehouse. And that's one of the biggest differences: what you had in Germany that took over was The Corporation. The IG Farben – the community of like interest. This was a corporate monopoly, a corporate cartel. And that's what that was all about. And what we are seeing in the Western world is this emergent global corporate collective, this global reach of corporate collective. [...]
I regard the founding principles of the American constitutional republic very highly. I think, they are very necessary. And I believe in the separation of powers. I don't believe in a global government because the Lord Acton said: "Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely." This is too important. We can not put the power over the issue currency into the hands of just a few backroom people that are totally unaccountable to the electorial or democratic process. That's much to much power to put into the hands of people who are unaccountable. And that's why the American treasury, that's why the American people need to have their own currency and why that currency can help renew the constitutional republic. I still believe in the Constitution, I think, that is a very powerful document. I think, the rights to Life, Liberty and Property are something that human beings didn't have in the old world. We need to refocus on that. We need to break free of the tyranny of convenience that the corporate fiction has imposed upon us and that we are entangled with right now.

There is a lot of things that need to be done and it's not going to be easy. There is a struggle ahead because the corporate collective is not coined to give away very easily. It has taken us decades to arrive where we are at today. But it can be done, because light fortunately is much more powerful than darkness and it just takes a few and, basically, great things can be achieved. And when we remember that not five percent of the American colonists were involved in the rebellion against Great Britain. And that was the right to representation with taxation, it was a battle over self-government, basically. That the people were self-determinant, that they were sovereign, and that there would be no taxation without representation. And that's what you've got in the U.S. today. You have tremendous taxations. The people don't have any recourse, there is no remedy in the courts because they are commercial courts and, basically, they are courts of equity and they are not courts of law or courts of justice. And that's why people have lost faith and things like President Kennedy's assassination and so forth. There is a monolithic structure in place and he is correct. And this monolithic structure has been growing and insinuating itself quietly over decades and Kinsey is a part of that agenda to bring about the world under a one world global dictatorship where you won't be able to buy yourself anything without having dedicated your thoughts and your deeds to the corporate collective: The Beast in Revelation is a Corporation! It is a legal fiction! A master legal fiction. That's what the beast represents. And the mark in the head and the mark in the hand are metaphoric, they basically are telling you that the corporate collective is going to take your deeds and your thoughts and is going to profit from them – that's what it's describing there. And that none will be able to buy or sell without having dedicated their deeds and their thoughts to the service of the corporate fiction. And that's a system wherein man will not own his own labor, will not be sovereign, will not be free, but will be totally governed from cradle to grave by the state and will be defined in terms of the needs and prerogatives of the state, of the corporate collective.

The Roman Catholic Church will rule the world again.
No message is more important.